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Panel leaders chosen by the competition committee will choose the jury members and carry out the sample tasting. The samples will be evaluated and classified following the International Olive Oil Council’s Rules.

The samples will be prepared by  technical manager of the competition in a completely isolated environment, in a way that shows no labels or branding.

The evaluation forms are organized accordingly to IOC instructions, will grade the samples between 0-100, and will be in a design created for Anatolian IOOC 2024
The competition will include 4 categories, Monovarietal, Blend, Organic, and Flavored.

Special Mesopotamian Prize For The 3 Highest Scoring Participants
Best Of Country

Best in Class: 95,5 – 100 points
Gold : 85 – 100 points
Silver : 70 – 84,5 points
You can object once (1) to competition results in 15 days after the results have been announced. After the objection, the tasting will be redone. Anatolian IOOC is not responsible for any issues caused by the results.

AnatolIan Iooc

